Friday, October 7, 2011

Lucifer spiste pizza

There are days, especially mondays, when you wake up and you would never imagine that you will end up having dinner in a pizzeria. Yes, first because the beginning of the week doesn't correlate with the concept of pizza in an Italian mind... Second, This correlation is even more weakened by taking into account the place where you woke up: Norway.
Well, honestly Mondays do correlate with pizza more than Norway :)
But the unexpected is always behind the corner, and it can actually make your day! (don't tell to the Finns)
Especially when your boss ask you to join him for a pizza out...
No doubt of course on the type pizza :)
The Diavola pizza at Esmeralda, cosy restaurant along the Tønsberg Brygga, is an interpretation,involving onions, red peppers and olives added to the classic recipe (it's ok, we are at 60 degrees North). The spicy level is on the average, unfortunately I can't say the same on the price...
But these things are easy to forget in pleasant company. Where there is Diavola, there is home.
Price: 158 NOK